Thursday, October 1, 2009

First Real-Time Chat

I'm so excited I am almost vibrating. That might be the 3 cups of green tea I had this morning, but I think it's mostly because in 9 minutes, Anna's science class at Ensworth is meeting Soledad's science class at Santa Rosa. They're using Skype to conduct real-time introductions with a "backchannel" chat ocurring live on the group Ning discussing our favorite childhood memories. It's hardly content related, but as I always remind my new partnership friends, we have to go through the "getting to know you phase" just the way that all humans do in real life. Soon after, we're starting activities related to population, and then to pollution.

Communicating and translating has been a challenge, but I don't think we've had too many problems. We tried using Google Translate, but it turns out that it's blocked at Ensworth because it's a way to get around the school's webfilter. So, I found another translation tool and we're going to try to use it this morning during the chat.

Fingers crossed.

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